vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Announcement: Garena Servers under Maintenance - Garena Romania conection not working

Well, all you guys have to do is open the installation folder of Garena in your computer, search for the file named SERVER.xml and open it with notepad.

After this, add a new line like this one :

server name="Garena Server 5" ip="" rate="25"/

Save the file, close and start Garena. At the server tab select SERVER 5. 

It's all working now ;)

marți, 15 iunie 2010

Genesis Ravenmore

[At the first intersection of the road to Avelon, dark silhouette silently awaits. Calm and relaxation, instead of hiding him make him stand out. Black clothing contrast sharply with the red hair. At one point, a mounted horse approaches from north. Without saying a word and without even dismounted, handed him its a small parchment wrapped. Smiling, he took it and put it in his pocket, then disappearing into the night. An angel passed, with the eyes closed of his terrifying smile.]

[The room was covered in a dim light, coming from nobody knows where. He never understood why it is still light in the room when all lights are turned off. Is simply never sufficiently dark, pitch dark. He rises from bed and heading to the bathroom, passing mirror. An almost cadaveric white tall body, with red hair fell on the shoulders smiles from the mirror. He’s satisfied. Nothing seems to betray any disease, any fault, any guilt. On the table near the mirror is spread out the "writ". Smiling gently, he’s entering the bathroom, singing… “Butterfly, you’ve lost your wings ... Lord have cut them cut ... "]

It’s a rainy evening. I like summer rains, but not to get me wet. Walking, I'm not rushing anywhere, i-m searching for some kind of a shelter. People on the road hit me, in their hurry to get home, hiding from the rain or whom knows what else. So many people ... If I would know your thoughts and everyone's life ... How much we’d move. How much we’d know.

Rain gives me no peace, and this is starting to annoy me. I’m seeking with the eyes a safer place. I do not use to find shelter in some taverns or bars. I do not like de crowd. And generally, I do not like to many people around me. I watch the sky, the moon is hidden behind clouds and I know it's almost time. I smile satisfied.

Rain gives a sign to stop, and I give up searching for a solution for the water drops that fall from the sky.

I’m slowly walking towards the place, thinking of nothing but emptiness. As I approach the destination, quiet, calm and smiling, rain almost to stop and on my black cape drops slid rapidly.

The moon shows signs that she wants to get rid of the curtain of clouds. Everything seems on my way tonight. I'm going to temple. Approach by midnight, I'm alone on the road. I’m heading for the right side of the building and look at the giant symbol that is to be found in the yard, to the left main entrance. Symbol whom meaning was forgotten. I smile. People are so influential ...

mple. Right next is the priest's house, in the same yard. I smile to the high fence concrete that is surrounding the shrine. Approximately one and a half feet tall, I do not have any effort to jumping it with a simple tension. Once I’ve got into the temple courtyard, the massive building shade covers me entirely.

Instantly, I duck down and start packaging my cape. It reaches a small shape that way, and I can catch it at the belt. A dog is howling somewhere close, and makes me smile again. I always wondered how many things animals can sense…

The black costume below keeps me warm, as it’s tight in my body. If I only had a different hair color, I could’ve be unnoticed in the dark. With the gloves on, I’m checking the blade. Galory wing is always at its position, faithfully serving her master. After a fast bow towards the massive symbol representing probably a god, I’m heading for the priest’s house. There are no guards around the house, since it’s midnight and the sentinel’s shift are changing at the temple.

After the rain, the grass is slippery. I get used quickly. Slowly, I head towards what looks like a dog kennel. I also immediately see a sleeping animal inside. In complete silence, I approach the kennel and in a brief moment Galory instantly cuts its head off. An angel passes by, sighing. No sound, no growl. That's what I call a good dog.

I'm heading for home. Time is short, guards can appear any time after the shift is changed. A pale light of a lamp can be seen in a room. I gotta quick thinking a way to get inside, so I quickly give a tour around the house. In the back I discover a door that opens to some kind of patio with garden. I try the door but is locked. I immediately operates the two cures for such stubborn doors and after few seconds the door is opened. Pressing easily, to get a glance inside, I observe a carpet at the entrance. Smiling, I’m rubbing my feet on the carpet and get inside. In almost total darkness I move quickly, however, faster distinctly objects in the room. Sounds like a waiting room that opens a living room. On a wall, the same symbol, at a smaller scale, hangs above the bed. The canopy bed leads the most of the room, while big chairs and tables completes the furniture. Large golden relics lies all over the room. Not giving anymore attention to detail, I turn to the room where you can see pale light. Door is opened, and a person is napping.

I remain in the door to track movements. I would have liked him to be more awake. But ultimately this is not very important. Easy, I begin to move through the room. An undeserved opulence. riest lying on the

armchair, his head fell to one side, with legs stretched out on a leaning, dressed in what appears to be a nightdress. Fast I’m going to him and Galory wing is deeply implanted in the stomach.

He opened his eyes almost instantly and is an expression of wonder, pain, helplessness. His eyes were fixed on mine.Open mouth, seemed to say something, but a short and precise blade move creates a path through the navel to the neck in a fraction of second, splitting everything in its way and his head falls inert on the right side. The blood was all over his armchair.

Cleaning my blade on his foot, I dive my hand into his blood, then press it on the wall near the symbol as the mark of the assassination. Then I turn off the lamp and exit.

I slip outside. It's pretty cold now, and I'm going fast towards the high fence. Passing by the dog pen, and smiling, I whisper "bow wow" to it. I do not any answer. I jump the fence as easy as the first time. The guards were nowhere to see, and I’m getting lost in the night. The moon is hiding away behind the clouds, protecting her son.

[Genesis Ravenmore, the feared DEATH HAND, is back]

duminică, 4 ianuarie 2009

DOTA Mechanics - Furion's Wrath of Nature

Level 1 - Deals 140 base damage. Maximum of 12 targets. (Deals 155 base damage with Aghanim's Scepter)
Level 2 - Deals 180 base damage. Maximum of 14 targets. (Deals 210 base damage with Aghanim's Scepter)
Level 3 - Deals 225 base damage. Maximum of 16 targets. (Deals 275 base damage with Aghanim's Scepter)

Cooldown: 90/60/60 seconds. Manacost: 200/380/610

Adunate, damage-urile produse fiecarui target in parte depaseste 2000. De fapt, la level 16 face un total de 4707 damage [dupa spell reduction].



Ce inseamna asta ?
Cand visionul tau pe harta nu include 16 unitati inamice vizibile, ultimata se poate opri chiar la 12-13 sarituri. O unitate nu poate fi lovita de doua ori. Daca sunt mai mult de 16 unitati inamice vizibile, atunci sariturile se vor face in MOD RANDOM !

Special hints:

1. Daca unul dintre aliatii tai farmeaza, iar tu castezi ultimata, exista sansa ca sariturile sa loveasca neutralii vizibili, astfel obinand some free gold, si injuraturile aliatului.

2. Atunci cand aliatii sunt angajati in urmarirea unui inamic low health, vizibil pe harta, poti casta ultimata pe cripi, cu sanse reale ca ea sa execute o saritura pe eroul fugar si astfel sa obtii un free kill.

3. Niciodata nu casta ultimata DIRECT pe eroul inamic. Incearca de fiecare data castarea ei pe cripul CEL MAI INDEPARTAT de erou, astfel incat ea sa execute cateva sarituri pana la lovirea eroului inamic, pentru a obtine un mai mare damage.

4. De fiecare data cand ai ocazia, incearca sa asisti aliatii tai angajati in gank, chiar daca tu nu esti langa ei, castand ultimata pe cripi de pe line-ul tau sau neutralii pe care ii farmezi. Eroii adversi, fiind in vision, vor avea sanse reale de a fi loviti de sariturile ultimatei, si astfel sa ajuti team-ul fara ca macar sa fii acolo, poate chiar furand cate un kill.

5. Wardurile sunt ajutorul tau. Avand warduri pe harta si castand ultimata, poti lovi eroul inamic ce se afla in raza de vision a wardului, chiar daca nu e nici o alta unitate aliata in jurul lui. De asemeni, iti poti da seama cand team-ul advers are ward in padure atunci cand ultimata lui Furion te pocneste "de nicaieri", fara nici o alta unitate inamica in jur. De asemeni, asta poate insemna si ca un Clinkz, Gondar, Anub'arak sau Rikimaru este pe langa tine invizibil, oferind astfel vision ultimatei.

marți, 30 decembrie 2008

DOTA Mechanics - Leviathan Kraken Shell

Kraken Shell
Creates a thick armor shell around Leviathan that protects him against attacks.Additionally, this ability occasionally removes negative buffs.

Level 1 - Reduces attack damage by 7. Removes buff every 11 seconds.
Level 2 - Reduces attack damage by 14. Removes buff every 10 seconds.
Level 3 - Reduces attack damage by 21. Removes buff every 9 seconds.
Level 4 - Reduces attack damage by 28. Removes buff every 8 seconds.


Well, de cate ori nu ati dat un Rupture pe Leviathan irosind-o degeaba, pentru doar 250 initial damage ? Sau Doom ? Sau Leviathan iese nestingherit din ultimata lui Rooftrellen ?Ei bine, de fiecare data passiva Leviathan-ului s-a activat. La fiecare 8 secunde, orice buff negativ [ Doom, Silence, Rupture, Entangle, Esnare, Song of the Siren ] este inlaturat de pe erou.

Cum functioneaza ? Pai... Din momentul in care ai bagat primul point in acest skill, incepe countdown. La fiecare 11/10/9/8 secunde se reseteaza, reincepand numaratoarea inversa. In momentul resetului, bufful negativ este inlaturat. Astfel, daca Rupture este castat pe Leviathan in secunda 3, nu va dura decat 5 secunde pana cand va fi inlaturat automat de catre Kraken shell. Cu alte cuvinte, e ca un fel de cronometru [ precum double attack de la Weaver] dar care nu are nici un fel de animatie in dreptul icoanei aferente.

Daca Leviathan este atat de norocos incat sa prinda exact secunda resetului in momentul in care se casteaza pe el una dintre vrajile de mai sus, atunci ea va face damage initial, insa fara nici un efect aditional ! [ no imobility, no damage din miscare in cazul Rupture, no damage si no silence in cazul Doom ]Exceptia este stun-ul [direct stun sau impale], care va face damage initial [in funtie de level] dar nu va avea intreaga durata, ci doar ~0.5 secunde. [un mini-stun].

DOTA Mechanics - Omnislash and Eclipse


Blademaster executa un numar de 3-5-8 lovituri cu damage phisycal [ independent de damage-ul in-game al lui Yurnero ] intre 150 si 250, lovind unitati in mod random intr-o arie de 575 [numite blink-strike].

Daca attack-speed-ul lui Yurnero este intre 100% si 200%, intre loviturile blink-strike, el poate executa attack-uri normale, numite lovituri aditionale [ additional attacks ], lovituri in care orice orb efect el unui item echipat de catre Blademaster se activeaza[lifesteal, Corruption, Feedback ] sau Critical strike, o data intre 1-2 blink-strike.
Daca attack-speed-ul lui Yurnero este peste 200%, el va executa o lovitura aditionala intre fiecare blink-strike.

Level 1 - Executa 3 blink strikes.
Level 2 - Executa 5 blink strikes.
Level 3 - Executa 8 blink strikes.
Mana Cost: 200/ 275/ 350
Cooldown: 130/ 120/ 110

Foarte important, esti invulnerabil in timpul executarii Omnislash.

De ce e recomandat sa prinzi cate un erou ?

Omnislash este FOARTE eficient impotriva unui singur erou. Raza de efect a Omnislash-ului fiind de 575, impotriva a doi eroi se pierde acel interval de timp de 0.1 secunde dintre blink-strike, timp in care Blademaster trece de la un erou la altul, si in care ar fi putut executa o lovitura aditionala, evetual un critical.

De ce sa luam desolator pe Yurnero ?

Pentru ca in timpul executiei Omnislash, pot avea loc lovituri aditionale, lovituri care tin cont de itemele din inventar. In momentul in care Corruption a fost activat in timpul unei lovituri aditionale, urmatoarele blink-strike si lovituri aditionale se vor aplica unui erou cu -6 armura ! Iar damage-ul Omnislash-ului este phisycal !

* o data pornita, nu poti contracara ultimata Lunei decat daca devii invizibil, daca o omori, sau daca ajungi langa mai multe unitati aliate sau neutral, pe care sa se dispareze Lucent Beam. Ultimata lui Yurnero nu poate fi contracarata de catre Global sSilence[Silencer], de Meat hook [Pudge] [ daca reuseste sa il traga in timpul executiei], daca devii invizibil, daca intri in fog of war [o panta de ex] sau daca ajungi langa alte unitati, aliate sau neutrali, pe care Yurnero sa "sara".

* Cel mai bun effect si maximul damage il are asupra unei singure tinte sau maxim 2.

* Maximum damage este damage-ul pe care l-ar face ultimata fara ressist sau armura.
Luna: maximum 4 Lucent beams per target pentru 300 dmg fiecare, 0 magic ressistance
Yurnero: 8 blink strikes cu 250 dmg si 7 additional attacks cu 300 dmg, 0 armura

* Average damage este damage-ul pe care il face ultimata cu 25% ressist [default in-game] sau 30% armor reduction.
Luna: maximum 4 Lucent beams per target pentru 300 dmg, redus de razistenta la magic.
Yurnero: 8 blink-strikes si 7 additional attacks, fiecare blink-strike cu 200 dmg iar fiecare additional strike cu 200 dmg, reduse de 30% damage reduction de la armura.

* Prima lovitura a lui Yurnero sau primul Lucent Beam al Lunei are mini-stun

* Raza de achizitie este distanta maxima in care este activa ultimata.